
newport harbor sailboat on beach

This sailboat became unthethered and ended up on the beach after storm.

Stormy weather in Newport Harbor, in Newport Beach, created havoc over the past weekend, March 17 and 18. With high winds and heavy rain, several boats and yachts were pushed around and in some case, actually came loose from the moorings.  The weather also left most boats in need of a topside washdown. This is where Scott Storm with Barnacle Bills Newport Beach, comes in to save the day. (It’s no coincidence that Scott is known as Stormy Weather to some of his friends.)

When Does your Newport Bay Yacht need a  Topside Washdown?

It’s time for a topside washdown when your boat is dirty. Of course. For those who don’t visit their boat on a regular basis, it can be important to have it on a regular cleaning schedule. After the Santa Ana winds or a heavy rain storm, boats in Newport Harbor are typically in need of a cleaning. But even just sitting in the bay for a few weeks can be punishing on a boat tied to a dock or sitting on a mooring.

Picture of the Storm, from Stormy Weather

drifting newport beach yachts topside cleaning

Two Newport Yachts running into each other. Broken window on boat on left.